Triline's Tomfoolery

My little journal for all of my little shenanigans.

The Neon Kiosk


Third time's the charm, baby! I passed my driving test! The examiner was really nice and calmed me down throughout the whole duration of the test. And so, everyone in the 300 kilometer radius from my house can start fearing for their safety on the sidewalk.

Big news aside, the school year started and it's my last year of high school, so if I do anything at all, it will certainly take longer since I need more time to study for my finals (or however they're called in English cuz honestly I dunno).

Kinda short this time but it's mostly because I tried to make the most out of what was left for my summer break (for example getting absolutely wasted with my friends). See ya soon!


Second try at the driving exam! I failed again.

I got into contact with a fellow translator, Karma Louvre, and we've decided to do some work together. Let's hope something cool comes out of it!

During the past few days I went kayaking with my family. While my whole bloodline is comprised of heavy drinkers, which is especially prevalent during family outings, I am proud to say it was pretty mild this time.

I picked up Takagi-san manga and... I finished the whole 177 chapters in 2 days. I don't know whether to be proud or ashamed of myself because of that. Aside from my reading pace, the manga itself was a really cool break from my usual moping around. Here's a summary from MangaDex:

If you blush, you lose! Living by this principle, the middle schooler Nishikata gets constantly made fun of by his seat neighbour Takagi-san. With his pride shattered to pieces, he vows to turn the tables and get back at her someday. And so, he attempts to tease her day after day, only to find himself falling victim to Takagi-san's ridicule again sooner than later. Will he be able to make Takagi-san blush from embarrassment even once in the end?
It also has 2 spin-offs, which I will also read soonTM.


Since I post so rarely I might as well make those a tad bit longer.

I've been playing Elden Ring recently, and by that I mean, playing it again. Since the DLC dropped and my friend nagged me constantly to replay it I finally gave in. First time around my build was concentrated on DEX, so this time I chose a STR/FAI approach. In conclusion: Bear Wittness!

Some time ago my glasses broke so I've been rocking my emergency pair for a while now. I'm still waiting for the new ones to arrive, since the optometrist didn't have the lenses on hand and needed to ship them.

Since it's the summer vacation period, I yet again got thrown into a spiral of lethargy and boredom. Even with all the things I'm doing at the moment, it still kinda feels... unamusing? Stale? Not sure how to word it. I don't think it's depression or anything like that, I'm pretty sure I'm a mentally stable person (I hope), but it just happens every year, and goes away as soon as the school year starts and fear of failure kicks in.

Next post probably around the time I have my next driver's test.


I took my driver's test today. I failed.


My friends and I went to see a live flamenco show; I was genuinely astonished by how skilled the dancer were, and we also each got a free drink in the price of the ticket.


I got my first comission! I agreed to translate a Unity3D horror game called otogiri, and hopefully everything will go smoothly. But honestly, who knows?


The first entry, a new beginning, and yet another responsibility. Let's see where this takes us, shall we?